Our Meetings begin at 10.30am every Sunday. To be more accurate, they begin when the first person enters the room. So when you arrive you will probably be met by someone at the door, from 10.15am.
There are stairs or a lift to the first floor Meeting Room and a ramp from the road to the main door.
There is a lobby, and and a lift and stairs go up into the main room. Someone will greet you downstairs. Go in and sit where you like. The room will be silent. Take time to settle.
Stay in a quiet space if you can, but expect the unexpected.
Someone may read one of our 'Advices and Queries' and others may speak (minister) briefly. Ministry comes from the heart and it can be quite subtle to understand when to speak and what to say. Quakers usually let silences grow when someone speaks, which can feel odd at first. We do not reply to ministry.
At about 11.30am someone will initiate shaking hands or some other greeting.
There are then notices and tea and coffee. Sometimes we have bring and share lunch or a Business Meeting.
http://discoveringquakers.org.uk is an excellent website for more information
One of the Tunbridge Wells members works for Quakers Nationally with Quaker Social Action. This is what she says:
' 'I’m the development worker on the Made of Money service at Quaker Social Action, which is managed by Carrie Comfort, who you may well have met in her previous role with Quakers in Britain. Made of Money provides financial wellbeing support for families and individuals on low incomes. Recently we’ve been designing and delivering a set of resources and training sessions for professionals and foster carers who work with young people in care, to help them develop the money learning they need to move into independent living. Over the next couple of years we’ll be delivering workshops to build awareness of financial scams. I love meeting all the people we work with and sharing tips and stories.' AS